Probably the best live venue in town

For all Rockers and Rollers to enjoy

Open the "Doors" to a place where music speaks around every corner you look. Pull up a chair, get comfortable and enjoy what we are proud to offer. We recommend our mix of friendliness, laid-backness and professionalism that we apply to everything: design, music and drinks.


Because the aroma of our coffee, the taste of the perfect lunch, the song you heard while enjoying a beer, will stay with you, we invite you to OutDOORS terrace. And yes, you can smoke here!


The local variety pushed us to combine cultural events with good will and curiosity. Doors is a socio-cultural space that has hosted many types of events over the years, from live concerts to photo openings, book launches or charity fairs, having the most events per year in Constanta. The heart is a rocker, but the mind is always open for something fresh, inventive and exciting. The thirst for the new and the quality organisation also brought an award: Best Carlsberg location in the country.


DOORS Events organizes three festivals at White Horse, the last bastion of rockers in Costinesti resort.


May Be Rock 2024, director de creatie: Papucu ”No cap, va fi cel mai hAos fest ever”

Pentru prima data in istoria industriei muzicale, directorul de creatie al unui festival este un papuc. Acesta promite ca va electriza festivalul May Be Rock 2024 care va avea loc de 1 mai, la White Horse Costinesti. D: Papucule, cum ai ajuns director de creatie la May Be Rock? Papucu:… [...]

May Be Rock 2024, director de creatie: Papucu ”No cap, va fi cel mai hAos fest ever”

Concerte legendă în materie de Rock ‘n’ Roll

James Brown, Apollo, New York, 24 octombrie 1962 În concertul său din 1962, James Brown, deja bine cunoscut în lumea R'n'B și soul, a atins noi culmi. În cea mai bună formă a sa, Brown a oferit unui public înfierbântat un spectacol înflăcărat și plin de energie, dând din plin… [...]

Concerte legendă în materie de Rock ‘n’ Roll